Of course, there is a pandemic but there does not have to be Rudeness. Of course, there is Fear, but we are not Alone. Of course, there is a Lock-down but there does not have to be Panic. Of course, there is Death, but we have the HOPE of REBIRTH. For every problem Hope is Near, like for every Villon there is a hero. Hope creates Cure for Pandemics. Hope creates Love for each other. Hope makes Humans not to Panic. Hope Creates Strength to Live for Another Day. For every problem Hope is near, like for every Villon there is a hero. Be with HOPE the Future will be filled with LOVE. Be with HOPE the World becomes a better place. Be with HOPE in the stormy days God will open another door for you. Be with Hope because Nothing can be Achieved without it. For every problem Hope is near, like for every Villon there is a hero.